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Artists > Gyul.E Kim



Gyul.E Kim

(b. 1990, South Korea)

Stripping away the symbols that we indifferently encounter daily, Kim depicts the unreadable shapes on canvas. The artist’s refusal of readily accepted norms of social symbols feels both lighthearted and romanticized in her art.

(b.1990, South Korea)

Artist Statement

Gyul.E Kim’s solo exhibition with ROY Gallery, Synchronized Swimming, showcases the artist’s perception of her world through symbols. However, it deviates from the usual procedural norms of symbolization.

Though symbols in general, like languages, are socially agreed upon norms and institutions those governing our social behaviors gravitationally grounds us at a profound level. The artist rejects this “permanence and universality” of symbols.

Kim’s canvases are superimposed and intersected by brushstrokes and shapes. The contrasts and conflicts traced in the works are natural consequences of her rejection of traditional dynamics between symbol and painting. Given the artist’s strategy of utilizing blank spaces by eliminating the signifier from the signified, her depictions of microscopic objects and figures such as the residue found in wall cracks to the crumbs and dust collected amongst floor crevices are expanded into shapes and colors—which, implicitly suggested seem natural. Through these microscopic objects Kim pierces the larger discourse on the perception and consciousness of the signifier like a needle to an epidermis. Yet, she maintains a certain jocundity in her works and refrains from overt gravitas. Rather than aggressively arriving at her point, she charmingly romanticizes the process. As such, this uncertain process allows for genuine appreciation and aligns itself with modern painting isolated by its quality of reproduction. The signifier ceases its representative role in paintings. The sign, disintegrated, is substituted by a clear structure of entropy. The painting is subsequent to the symbol, and casts itself in a fundamental manner.

In reading her works, we are faced with red circles, light-green squares, and black squiggly lines. People may attempt to understand these symbols but will easily lose direction. However, the resulting meandering precludes the typical eliciting of reactions to social phenomena such as deprivation and alienation. Rather, Kim desires the audience to enjoy the process of solving the labyrinth of infinite possibilities in given symbols.

“When I watch synchronized swimming, I feel a sense of alienation from the upturned feet walking on waves, and as such used these as symbols. I feel that this act is similar to how I perceive objects and transfer them on to the canvas.” – Gyul. E Kim

The familiarity of simple symbols, and the strangeness of indecipherable ones. Kim’s works, which are ultimately pleasing to the eye, await their turn with the audience.

Artist Biography


이화여자대학교 대학원 미술치료 전공 석사(MFA)

성균관대학교 예술학부 서양화 전공(BFA)


2024 Synchronized Swimming 씽-크로나이즈드 스위밍, 로이갤러리 압구정, 서울

2023 대충살자.jpg, “10기 입주작가 결과보고전” 북구예술창작소, 울산

2023 «펼침의 기호들», 아트 포 랩, 안양

2020 솟아오름, 음…, 석수시장, 안양


2023 5 spoons of salt, gallery wall+, 울산

2023 라이브드로잉: 그려지는 흔적들, 장생포고래로131 작은미술관, 울산

2023 MOMENT, MUP 기획전, 뎁센드2 갤러리, 서울

2023 제 8회 마중물 아트마켓 “오픈콜 선정작가”, 김리아갤러리, 서울

2023 Old and New, 쇼앤텔 픽앤플레이스, 서울

2022 1st Homecoming Day, 예술의전당 한가람미술관, 서울

2022 Tyble Assebled Part 1, 신촌문화관, 서울

2021 미래 유물전: 의왕, 두터운 현재, 의왕도서관 책마루, 의왕

2019 수상한툴TOOL, 수리산상상마을, 군포

2019 끝내거나, 계속하거나., 상원미술관, 서울


2023 안양 신진예술가 지원사업, 안양문화예술재단

2020 안양 예술활동 지원사업, 안양문화예술재단


2023 북구예술창작소, 울산
2020 군포문화예술창작촌, 군포




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Gyul.E Kim, Jina Jung, JeongHyun Ha

Dec 17, 2024 - Feb 15, 2025

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K-Artfair Daejeon

Aug 14 - Apr 18, 2024

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Museful Reveries

Apr 11 - Apr 14, 2024

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Gyul.E Kim | Solo Exhibition

Jan 6 - Jan 27, 2024

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